89th Reunion, May 2001

Sheep Shearing Day at the (Pidcock) Thompson-Neely site
most photos by Richard Buser, Washington’s Crossing Historical Park

Click on picture to enlarge to Full Screen



Shorn Sheep occurs in the spring, so that there will be time for some wool to grow back to protect the sheep from summer sunburn


This picture sheep with and without their wooly coats

Shearing a sheep

Shearing a sheep

Explaining Spring Planting

Explaining Spring Planting


Creating a wicket fence from apple tree branches to protect the garden plants

Preparing to roll hoops in front of the ice house

Preparing to roll hoops in front of the ice house

Heating the wash water

Heating the wash water


Laundry. Lye soap and sunlight effectively removed the tea stain in my apron

Tailor and friend

Tailor and friend

Spinning Flax

Spinning Flax

Spinning Wool

Spinning Wool


Welcome to the House



Cooking a meal with welcome spring greens

Cooking a meal with welcome spring greens

Preparing Medicine

Preparing Medicine

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